Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanks bloggers

We were one of the very few groups without funding or representation that presented work at Aqua Wynwood. The amount of work, time and money that went into this production is an accomplishment that my collaborators and myself are very proud of. Getting down there to present work would be daunting enough and creating a retail/art space almost broke our backs.
Michael Bilsborough stopped by to say hello to The Nursery and took a few snaps of us and the space we created. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Aqua Art In Full Swing

The fair went really well. We met a lot of friendly people and some douchers as well. Here we are sort of posing for the Miami New Times. The name tags are unfortunate.

Here's Michael and Kathryn (my fellow conspritors) next to Annette of Annette &James.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Nursery: Day 1

Here is The Nursery completely set up and ready to go. All the people involved in The Nursery (Myself, Kathryn Miriam, Michael Sanzone) are so pleased with the outcome. It is exactly what we imagined.

The final touch at the last moment and away we go!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Nursery Begins

Kathryn, Michael and I got to Miami earlier than expected and had plenty of time to set up our show at Aqua Art. Nothing was broken because Mike and I drove like old women from New York to Miami stopping in Virginia to have Thanksgiving dinner with his family. 

Setting up was quite an ordeal for this setup. The Nursery is not a traditional setup so it wasn't like we rolled in and hung work. We had to paint walls, install shelving and place furniture throughout the space.  

These are large cutouts of our Hellos of the World children. Some of them have been placed in our space-others around town. 

The most important part of our show is still the artwork. Michael and I had a huge amount of art to hang and were still finished hanging this show an entire day before the fare is starting. 
Come see the blog tomorrow to look at images of The Nursery all set up.